Title of the Study : Development of a Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) for the Sri Lankan University Sector
Researcher : Prof. K. Tillekeratne & Dr. K. T. Somaratne
Title of the Study : Development of a Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) for the Sri Lankan University Sector
Researcher : Prof. K. Tillekeratne & Dr. K. T. Somaratne
1st Floor,
Block 5,
Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH),
Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 7,
Sri Lanka
1st Floor,
Block 5,
Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH),
Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 7,
Sri Lanka
Telephone : +94 11 2662064
Fax : +94 11 2662064
E-mail : sponec@slt.lk