Vision and Mission



Our Vision

Holistic society of progressive and lifelong learners for a peaceful, cohesive Sri Lankan society attuned to facing local and global challenges

Our Mission

Function as the premier organization in setting national education policy, goals, competency profiles, and standards of educational qualifications with monitoring and certification roles with the view to improve quality, relevance, and standards of education


The National Education Policy includes the following matters :-

Aims and goals of education; the structure of the educational system– pre-school, primary, secondary tertiary, higher, informal, nonformal, adult, special, professional and religious; the establishment, location and distribution of educational institutions, including methods and criteria for admission of students and recruitment of teachers; the content of education, including medium of instruction, diversification of curricula, text books and learning materials, the place of religious knowledge, observance and practice, assessment and evaluation, the examination system, certificates, diplomas and academic awards and recognition of qualification; recruitment, placement, disciplinary control and professional growth of education service personnel, including teachers, para -education personnel, supervisors and administrators; resources for education, including the mobilization of community participation; and ancillary services for education including mid-day meals, health and dental services, physical education and sports.




(1) The functions of the Commission shall be;
  1. To make recommendations to the President, on educational policy in all its aspects, with a view to, ensuring continuity in educational policy and enabling the education system to respond to changing needs in society, including an immediate review of educational policy and plan or plans and the making of recommendations to the President, on a comprehensive National Education Policy;

  2. To review and analyze periodically, the National Education Policy and Plan or plans in operation and where necessary, to recommend to the President, changes in such Policy, Plan or Plans;

  3. To advise the President on any other matter relating to education which may be referred to it by the President, for its advice.
(2)Without prejudice to the generality of the matters in respect of which recommendations may be made by the Commission under subsection (1), the Commission may make recommendations to the President on the following matters :-
  1. The changes in curricula and teaching methods in educational institutions that are necessary to match education to employment, industry, and social needs;

  2. The adequacy of guidance and counseling for students in educational institutions, to enable them to develop their potential to the full;

  3. The measures necessary to strengthen the links between educational institutions and the community;

  4. The development of educational institutions as resource centers for all-round human development in the community;

  5. The measures necessary to reduce area-wise disparities among schools;

  6. The measures necessary to enhance the professional standing of teachers and other education service personnel;

  7. The alternate programs that could be provided for the benefit of the children leaving primary and secondary schools prematurely, to enable them to develop their potential to the full;

  8. The changes in curricula necessary to foster the cultural and religious aspirations of students of all communities and religions;

  9. The legislative changes necessary to give effect to any such recommendations.

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